Wednesday 6 February 2008


...just when we were basking in the negative result on the Fragile-X testing, along comes a referral for Scoliosis. I'll get back to you.


Sally N said...

I've posted before on your FX test results and now with the scolosis diagnosis I'm hoping you do check to make sure they didn't test for FX by cytogenetic testing (aka chromosome analysis).

Scolosis, connective tissue problems, are NOT uncommon with FX.

Elinor said...

Thanks again, Sally. I will certainly chase up the good doctor on this. I suspect that it will be a long and winding road. Can I ask, are you a doctor or do you have a child with FX?

Elinor said...

Hello Sally, if you should read this, the tests mentioned in your previous replies were used and all came back normal. The search continues!